Small Business Technology News
Small Businesses Feel Invincible, Yet Are More Vulnerable To Cybercriminals
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 10/1/2009
Today's cyber crooks are counting on the fact that you think your business is relatively safe from online attacks.
Many small businesses do not believe themselves to be the targets of cyber criminals, as they may not have large volumes of sensitive, classified or financially valuable information.

Yet as been reported in recent technology news, for entrepreneurs and small businesses this mindset can make them the most vulnerable of all. reported that small businesses have become one of the most attractive targets for hackers, spammers and cyber criminals, as smaller businesses typically do not invest as much as large businesses in IT security, either for lack of resources or lack of perceived need.
Even small businesses without sensitive or valuable data have things that hackers are interested in - namely computers, which can be used to send out spam or perform other tasks that remain hidden to the user; and personally identifiable information, such as credit cards, Social Security numbers and passwords, Inc. reported.
The need for small business owners to protect their sensitive data is dire - a recent survey from the Ponemon Institute and Imperva found that just 28 percent of small businesses successfully secure their consumers' credit card information, compared to 70 percent of larger businesses. In addition, 55 percent of all companies do not secure driver's license numbers, security numbers or bank account details.
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