Small Business Technology News
Small Business Owners Care About Free Shipping, Survey Says
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 8/5/2010
Staples survey reveals 99 percent of online buyers care about the free service.
Free shipping is critical for small businesses that order supplies online, according to a recently commissioned survey by an office supply chain making news for small business.

In a survey commissioned by Staples, almost all small business owners - 99 percent - said that free shipping when making purchases over the internet was important to them. The survey asked 300 small business owners, selected randomly, about their shopping habits and what works best.
Many small business owners rely on the fact that they have access to supplies without having to spend extra money on shipping. Bryan Flagg is a Staples customer who orders supplies online.
"As a small business owner running a local community paper, I can't afford downtime from running out of supplies, such as ink or paper," said Flagg. "At a time when my printer died and I needed to get the local paper out the next day, I knew I could depend on not only to offer a great assortment of office products available online, but also to deliver me what I needed when I needed it."
During the recession, many small business owners are doing all they can to cut corners when it comes to paying additional fees. The internet has opened up a whole new opportunity for entrepreneurs to level the playing field with larger competition.
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