Small Business Technology News
Small Biz Tech Makeover Contest Winners Receive IT Support
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 12/2/2009
AT&T recently announced Small Biz Tech Makeover contest winners.
As the digital market place continues to evolve, it may come as pleasant news for small business owners that AT&T has made an effort to help SMBs face technological challenges with their recent Small Biz Tech makeover contest. The recently announced contest winners will receive a variety of products and services from the communications company.

"The Small Biz Tech Makeover Contest is a way we can give winning small businesses a better technology foundation to help them grow," said Alicia Dietsch, vice president of Marketing Communications for AT&T.
Entries were judged by an AT&T small business advisory panel comprised of SMB owners and experts. Contest judge Mario Armstrong, founder of, said, "A successful small business can have a positive impact not only on its employees, but on the surrounding community as well, so I'm proud to be part of the contest." Armstrong will provide a day-long consulting session to the contest's grand prize winner.
In addition to services from participating companies, contest prizes include AT&T Web hosting services, AT&T Tech Support 360, a pair of 3G mobile smart phones and more.
Wallace Studio, a Kentucky-based photography studio, was named the grand-prize winner. Owner Jim Wallace is very enthusiastic about the prizes to come. "Winning the grand prize in AT&T's Small Biz Tech Makeover will enhance the operational aspects of my business and help me offer secure image backup for large image files."
AT&T's efforts to help SMBs reaches the communication company's most likely future clients; IDC predicts small businesses will spend more on IT than larger corporations as the tech market recovers.
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