Small Business Technology News
Proposed Bill Would Give Government Computers To Small Businesses
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 6/25/2010
Proposed legislation aims to give small business owners easier access to broadband internet and newer computers.
A new bill, proposed by Senators John Kerry of Massachusetts and Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, would help give small business owners increased access to computers and broadband internet.

"Improving access to technology for small businesses, particularly in rural areas, is an important component to economic recovery," Senator Landrieu said. "With access to broadband Internet, a small firm that once was confined to a single town has the ability to reach a new customer base on the opposite side of the world."
The bill would allow 7(a) and 504 loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration to be used for broadband upgrades - positive technology news for entrepreneurs looking to finance an internet upgrade. In addition, the law would create a "Broadband and Emerging Technology Coordinator" position in the SBA to help coordinate the various programs.
Another provision described in the bill would create a pilot program, through which small businesses could purchases excess computers from the government at "little or no cost."
According to PCWorld, the government computer sale program would involve roughly 1,000 desktops and laptops in varying degrees of repair. The pilot program is scheduled to last three years, but could be continued if it brings positive results.
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