Small Business Technology News
Online Giants Google, Facebook, Amazon Support Net Neutrality
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 10/19/2009
CEOs from internet companies want an open internet to boost entrepreneurship and innovation.
In a letter to the Federal Communications Commission, several prominent internet companies from Google and Amazon to Facebook, eBay and Craigslist expressed support for net neutrality in allowing open internet access to content types and usage.

CEOs from the 20 online companies who signed the letter said the FCC should provide regulations for an open internet that allows consumer choice over services and content from the websites they use.
"An open internet fuels a competitive and efficient marketplace,where consumers make the ultimate choices about which products succeed and which fail," the letter said. "This allows businesses of all size, from the smallest startup to the larger corporations, to compete, yielding maximum economic growth and opportunity."
This represents positive technology news for small business owners who want unlimited access to programs over the internet such as webmail, website hosting, document hosting and databases of all kinds of files for their enterprises.
Currently, the FCC is weighing internet regulations that not all interest groups support. Some companies, including internet service providers, do not support net neutrality if it takes away their ability to manage internet traffic.
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