Small Business Technology News
GOP Share Of Web: Rubio Gains While Carson And Trump Lag
Written by Tim Morral
Published: 10/29/2015
Wonder how well your website is performing against competitor websites? Now, you can find out even when you don't have access to your competitors' back-end analytics data.
It's amazing what smart people figure out how to do.

The bright minds at hot tech startup DataPulse perform big data analysis on massive amounts of Internet infrastructure data to understand what sites people are visiting and how they engaging with various websites.
If you manage a big brand, like Pepsi or Nike, you'll be interested in how this works. Analytic service providers, brand monitoring companies and business intelligence agencies, marketing insights experts will also find this fascinating.
How It Works: Look at This Share of Web Data for Presidential Candidates
DataPulse's offerings are best understood by my explaining the company's recent analyis of which US Presidential election candidates are doing better than others.
Is Jeb doing better than Ted? Is Hillary crushing Bernie? How is Trump's online presence doing?
Datapulse knows.
They access massive amounts of data that travels through Internet infrastructure.
This Internet infrastructure data is, for the most part, anonymous, so you don't have to worry about your personal privacy. But DataPulse's big data experts can find patterns and actionable insights from mining all of this Internet infrastructure data, and they've built a fast-growth business around this concept, making them one of the fastest growing Internet companies I've seen in a while. Needless to say, there's huge value in having insights like these.
So, Which Republican Candidates Are Doing Better on the Web?
You can see the full report on the DataPulse website.
But after last night's Republican candidate debates, it appears there was considerably more interest in Marco Rubio than before, and online interactions with Jeb Bush dropped off. Unless things change significantly, this is likely predictive of how these two candidates will fare going forward.
It also pretty clear that Ben Carson and Donald Trump don't get much love on the Internet.
Given that these are populist candidates, it's possible that their supporters don't need to go online to learn about the candidates. Maybe they just like listening to the over-the-top comments of Trump and Carson. Or maybe Trump and Carson's supporters are not as technology-literate as the other candidates' supporters.
Like any data, this new election data can be interpreted in many ways. But, for tech geeks like me, it's very cool that people are mining Internet infrastructure data in this way.
If I were in charge of a big brand or was charged with managing competitive intelligence for a large corporation, DataPulse would be a very welcome and thought-provoking new addition to my tools and data arsenal.
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