Small Business Technology News
Botnet Takedowns Ease Small Business Spam Problems
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 7/6/2011
Efforts to combat global botnets yield big gains for small businesses in the areas of online security and email marketing.
The disruption of three major botnets in the last 12 months has been good news for small businesses around the globe, according to a VASCO Data Security survey released recently.

Throughout 2010, VASCO's aXsGuard Survey tracked the web and email traffic of 400 small and medium-sized businesses with between five and 20 internet users. The survey results indicated spam and other rejected emails decreased in volume in conjunction with the disruption of three major botnet networks.
As of August 2010, spam and rejected mail amounted to more than 97 million messages received by the surveyed businesses. But the volume decreased to 75 million after a botnet was disrupted in September, then fell successively to 53 million and 39 million following the takedown of two other botnets.
Warning that summer is the season when hackers develop the trojans, worms and other malware that create botnet systems of infected computers, VASCO called on businesses to remain vigilant about internet security during the next few months.
Last month, the FBI and international law enforcement agencies cooperated to arrest two Latvian men implicated in creating a gigantic botnet operating in more than 172 countries. Authorities say the botnet continues to operate despite the arrests.
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