Small Business Startup News
Small Business Owners In Oregon Can Participate In Informational Seminars
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 10/4/2010
Oregon Employment Department hosts events for small businesses
Entrepreneurs in Oregon were recently given the chance to learn more about what it takes to successfully run a small business.

KTVL reports that the Oregon Employment Department sponsored the Rogue Valley Business Resource fair last week at Rogue Community College. The program, which made news for small business, featured various discussions about the best ways to manage a small businesses marketing, sales, management and finance. In addition, there were also opportunities for small business owners to get in touch with representatives from the Internal Revenue Service and the Oregon Department of Transportation.
Ainoura Ossenbec, an analyst with the Oregon Employment Department Workforce, said that small businesses were vital to economic growth.
“Government or any other sector don't produce or create jobs. It has to be business and it happens to be small businesses, they're the real engine of growth,” said Ossenbec in an interview with the news station.
IRS Officer Ginger Humphrey said that it was important for small business owners to know what they needed to do in order to make sure future problems didn't occur.
“These entrepreneurs are trying to start a business and we are trying to prevent [a] problem in the future,” said Humphrey in an interview with KTVL.
In Ohio, the chamber of commerce is also offering small business owners advice. The Cleveland Banner reports that the chamber, along with other organizations, will work to help small business owners in an upcoming program.
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