Small Business Startup News
Small Business Development Center Available In Texas
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 8/30/2010
Nonprofit center gives free advice to entrepreneurs.
The U.S. Small Business Administration is offering free counseling to small business owners in Texas as many try to figure out how to succeed during a recession.
The Herald Democrat reports that business owners in Sherman, Texas, have taken advantage of the local Small Business Development Center offered by Grayson County College, in conjunction with the SBA. The center, which is nonprofit, seeks to help entrepreneurs with everything they need to know when it comes to creating a successful business plan.
The director of the SBDC is Dr. Karen Stidham, who says that the centers are a valuable resource for small business owners and that they would be smart to take advantage of the tailored services.
"This program is a gold mine," Stidham said in an interview with the paper. "We do so much that it's actually easier to say what we don't do. We don't have money in the top drawer. We don't make loans, but we can help identify lenders ... A majority of our time is spent helping entrepreneurs start up, help with writing a business plan, do cash flow projections, and paperwork. It's a little like putting a big puzzle together."
Other organizations have been making news for small business owners. In a recent announcement, H&R Block and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City introduced an online program to help businesses calculate savings under the new healthcare legislation.
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