Small Business Startup News
Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council Say Sector Is Still Waiting For 'affordable' Healthcare
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 3/28/2011
The SBE Council is asserting that small business owners are not seeing benefits of healthcare bill.
Approximately one year ago, President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act, aiming to bring healthcare and benefits to millions of Americans nationwide.

However, the bill was not passed without controversy and concerns, many of which are still lingering, especially in small business news. In fact, the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council recently released a statement asserting that small business owners are still waiting for the much promised "affordable" healthcare.
"Business owners do not believe their health coverage costs will go down. Once federal regulators establish the content of the basic benefits packages and implement scores of other regulations, they believe their costs will soar even higher," said Karen Kerrigan, president and CEO of the SBE Council, in the statement.
Furthermore, according to Kerrigan, costs will only continue to rise, especially as higher income owners face increasing taxation in 2012. Additionally, she adds that a majority of small businesses do not qualify for the Obama administration's much-touted healthcare tax credits.
While the effectiveness of the healthcare act continues to be debated, one of the biggest hurdles either side will have is ensuring that small businesses are educated on the measure. According to a poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation released in early March, 53 percent of respondents reported being confused about the law.
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