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Sargeant: Office Of Advocacy Represents Small Businesses, Not Administration
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 4/8/2011
SBA Office of Advocacy leader Winslow Sargeant explains that it doesn't represent the administration but small businesses.
Winslow Sargeant, leader of the U.S. Small Business Administration's Office of Advocacy, is a familiar name in entrepreneur news, and in a recent interview, he clarifies his agency's role in the federal government.

"We do not represent the administration," Sargeant said in a recent interview with Kent Hoover, the Washington Bureau chief for American City Business Journals, according to the Phoenix Business Journal. "We represent small businesses."
However, that doesn't mean Sargeant feels that small businesses' voices are being ignored by the Obama administration. In fact, he cites the president's executive order to reduce red tape - the Regulatory Flexibility Act - as an initiative that he and his office worked with the White House on to help the sector.
Sargeant does not believe everything is perfect, though. Since he joined the office in August of 2010, he has sent 32 comment letters to 19 different agencies, which are sometimes taken into account to make changes.
The Office of Advocacy is the voice of small businesses in the federal government, promoting their needs before Congress, the White House and elsewhere. Additionally, it regularly performs surveys and releases reports on the state of the sector.
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