Small Business Startup News
Need A Job? Small Businesses Are Hiring
Written by Tim Morral
Published: 10/10/2013
Small businesses added 74,000 jobs in September as the smallest companies did more than their fair share to stimulate employment growth.
According to a recent report in the Washington Post, small businesses are doing their part to improve the nation's employment outlook.

Citing an ADP National Employment Report, the Post said that small employers with fewer than 50 employees added 74,000 jobs in September, up from the 71,000 jobs small businesses added in August.
When broken down by business size, one of the most notable findings in the report was that the largest hiring gains were attributed to the smallest businesses, with approximately 46,000 of those jobs being added by companies with fewer than 20 employees.
Over the same one-month time period, mid-sized companies with fewer than 500 employees added 28,000 jobs and large companies added 64,000 jobs--respectable, but significantly fewer positions than the hiring gains reported by the small business sector.
The report also highlighted the fact that nearly all of September's employment gains were achieved by service businesses (147,000 jobs) rather than by companies that manufacture or produce goods (19,000 jobs).
"While job growth has slowed, there remains a general resilience in the market," Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics told the Washington Post. "Job creation continues to be consistent with a slowly declining unemployment rate."
Although extremely small businesses often find it difficult to budget for new employees, staff expansion in small companies can make a more noticeable impact than in large organizations. In many companies, the addition of even a single staff member can dramatically affect productivity and enable the business to reach the next level of growth.
Given the importance of every new hire, the process of recruiting the right personnel is critical for small business employers. In general, small businesses have more at stake than larger organizations. So when it's time to expand your workforce, it's important to attract the largest possible pool of qualified applicants in order to improve the quality of your hires.
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