Small Business Startup News
Maintaining A Happy Staff
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 10/13/2011
Small businesses have less staff members to manage, which means each employee is responsible for a larger percentage of the business's practice. To make sure these valuable employees are performing efficiently, owners should find the best talent and keep them happy.
It is important for small business owners to keep an eye on employee morale, as an unsatisfied worker can under perform and cause damage to the company. If a staff member does start to slack on his or her duties, it is key that owners address the problem right away, as delaying the confrontation can make the situation worse.

CBC News reported that small business owners are typically overwhelmed with numerous tasks and obligations, and often do not want to deal with a disgruntled employee. But if an employee is not living up to their expectations, owners should discover the underlying problem, work to remedy the situation or release the employee to make room for a talented employee that will get the job done.
According to the source, one way to avoid dealing with an underperforming employee is to spend extra time when hiring on new staff members to make sure the best candidates are being considered for the position. In addition to collecting a talented pool of applications, owners should also research what tasks the new hire will be expected to perform so the interview properly assess candidates' abilities to meet these requirements.
Entrepreneur reported that if staff members are not doing their jobs accurately or efficiently it could be due to low morale in the office. Ways to boost employee morale include celebrating accomplishments, granting time off so employees can pursue projects they are passionate about and training employees to develop positive attitudes by setting a good example. The news source recommends business owners make sure employees view their jobs as more than just work, and find ways to have fun in the office while keeping the environment professional.
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