Small Business Startup News
For Freedom To Work From Home, SMB Employees Would Take Pay Cut
Written by James Conroy
Published: 5/14/2009
A new report finds one in five employees would take a cut in pay to work from home.
Some small business owners can cut costs by letting employees commute via the web, but the good news for small business owners is they may also be able to cut payroll as many employees would take a pay cut to work from home.

That's according to a study from Citrix Online which finds that 20 percent of employees say they would take a 5 percent cut in pay to have the opportunity to "web commute" one to two days each week.
The findings seem to show that a number of workers would rather work from home as a way to save time and commuting costs as well as rid themselves from strict business hours.
According to the report, female small business owners are 50 percent more likely to let employees work from home, which the study says may be an indication of their better understanding the "need for work/life equilibrium."
Kellyanne Conway, whose company helped conduct the study, says having people work from the office and at home can be a benefit.
"[W]e benefit from having an actual office with staffers and an infrastructure," she said. "However, I essentially work full-time from home and spend a lot of time on the road - I'm with my family, I'm there for my clients and I'm fully productive."
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