Small Business Startup News
Employment Sees Gain Consistent With Previous Three Months In March
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 3/30/2011
The ADP Employment Report saw 201,000 jobs added to the private sector.
March may not have been the best month for small business news, according to recent reports, but it certainly wasn't the worst.

Despite surveys, such as the Discover Small Business Watch, that found small business optimism to have fallen during the past month, ground is still being made on the employment front. On Wednesday, the ADP National Employment Report found that from February to March, private nonfarm payroll employment increased by 201,000.
While this number was higher in February, at 208,000, experts say that it is in line with expectations and should be similar to employment figures released on Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Furthermore, this number represents a large increase over the employment figures that the nation saw from August through November, when the average monthly gain was 74,000.
As Friday approaches, many experts are speculating on the precise figure the Bureau will report, with Forbes' Heather Struck predicting somewhere in the range of 175,000 and 290,000 jobs added.
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