Small Business Startup News

Employee Morale Improving Despite Unstable Market

Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 5/20/2011

Small businesses should prepare themselves to look for new prospects if the revived economy opens up new positions.

A recent small business news poll conducted by found that 60 percent of owners across the country feel that hiring the right talent has become more challenging, according to CNBC.

Employee Morale Improving

As owners are preparing for economic improvement, they must keep in mind that in some cases this could lead to sudden departures of employees searching for more lucrative opportunities. The news source points out that firms should always have talented potential employees in the pipeline, and promote the benefits of working for a small business to their employees, such as the familial environment, room for growth and promotion and opportunities for entrepreneurship.

The poll also reports that 42 percent of small business owners say employee morale is high or very high, while just 30 percent of medium-to-large businesses reported the same level of satisfaction.

Despite the higher level of optimism, the Fox Small Business Center reports that some companies are hesitant to hire, expand or take out loans because the current economic climate is still unstable.

"We will not see an increase in jobs or expansion and growth in small business until our government creates a more certain environment for them," Sam Graves, chairman of the House of Representatives' Small Business Committee, tells the media outlet.

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