Small Business Startup News
Albany, Georgia Honors Local Small Businesses With Appreciation Week
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 5/27/2010
The city of Albany, Georgia is giving special recognition to its small businesses from May 24-28.
The Albany, Georgia area is celebrating and promoting its small businesses, the Albany Herald reports. The city's mayor, Willie Adams, along with Dougherty County commission chairman Jeff Sinyard, signed proclamations declaring May 24-28 Small Business Appreciation week.

During that time, the Albany Area Chamber of Commerce will hold a series of activities to promote area small businesses.
"Small businesses are the backbone of Albany," Adams told the paper. "Seventy-five to 80 percent of new jobs in the community are created by small businesses. They often are taken for granted, but their importance cannot be overly emphasized."
Chamber director of communications Rachelle Bitterman told the Herald that the events were designed to show small firms how much they are appreciated.
This recognition is likely exciting news for entrepreneurs in the region, who will gain exposure for their businesses and be able to attend workshops on business resources, social media, and networking.
The celebration comes on the heels of the U.S. Small Business Administration's National Small Business Week. The SBA held its annual gathering in Washington, D.C. from May 23-25.
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