Small Business Marketing News
Snail Mail Gives Marketing A Personal Touch
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 1/12/2010
Direct mail can pay off for small businesses with loyal clients.
According to a report from eMarketer, marketers will spend more than $2 billion this year on social media marketing campaigns. But it may be surprising news for small business owners that direct mail campaigns might better help them boost sales.

The Wall Street Journal reports that many small businesses received complaints when they stopped their original snail mail campaigns in favor of "junk email" in 2009.
Indeed, the affordability of e-marketing and the popularity of social media prompted many companies to switch to internet marketing campaigns last year. According to Mintel Comperemedia, Americans saw a 27 percent decline in the direct mail they received in the third quarter of 2009.
But some entrepreneurs who wrote off traditional mail as passe found consumers miss holding a piece of mail. Peter Taffae, founder of Executive Perils, stopped his firm's comical postcard mailings last year. He told the source, "After two or three months [of no postcards], we got a lot of emails and phone calls asking us, 'Did you take me off your list?'"
This news might inspire small business owners to change up their marketing strategies for the year, as Marketing Profs says that just 20 percent of SMBs plan to increase direct mail marketing this year.
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