Small Business Marketing News
Small Business Public Relations Best Practices
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 10/4/2011
Social media tools have evolved into the preferred method of public relations for many SMBs. However, to be an effective communication tool, the messages sent from the accounts must be coherent, and should be backed up by active networking efforts.
Forbes recently identified different tactics small and medium-sized business should consider when developing public relations messages. While a strong social media presence is an effective way to converse with consumers and clients, a strong public relations strategy is still needed, and includes coherent messages, valuable networks and strong content.

The news source reported that a coherent message must be effectively written by the company. Jason Ochs, a social media professional, told the news source that great messaging is what draws consumers and clients to social media messages and press releases. Messages should be light, bright, polite and provide the recipient with relevant, valuable information.
"The more time you spend perfecting your messaging in social media, the more you will make friends and make money," Ochs told the source.
Bob Gold, a public relations professional, told the news source that networking is also very important, and can be achieved by offering to speak at or attend community events, seminars and conferences to address peers and clients. Gold recommends small businesses drive up editorial coverage prior to any event where the public relations team will be present to pitch a story to reporters or other members of the media before the show.
In addition, the 2011 Social Media Marketing Industry Report from SocialMediaExaminer,com found that social media tools will be a popular way to boost public relations for many small and medium-sized businesses. Ninety percent of marketers said social media was important for their businesses, 88 percent said it generated more business exposure and 72 percent said it increased traffic to their website. The most commonly used social media accounts according to the report were Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and website blogs.
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