Small Business Marketing News
Small Business Owners Look Forward To Tax Holiday In Virginia
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 8/6/2010
State's NFIB endroses tax-free weekend.
Many small businesses in Virginia are gearing up for a brand new tax holiday in the the next few days.

The Star Tribune reports that from August 6-8, the state will not collect taxes on any products sold in stores as a way to help small businesses in the area recover from the downturn in the economy. The state's director of the National Federation of Independent Business, Julia Ciarlo Hammond, recently said that she was looking forward to the benefits the holiday would have on the small business community. She also pointed out that budget-conscious families would stand to benefit.
"Sales tax holidays are great for families trying to stretch a dollar, but they're also great for small businesses," Hammond said in an interview with the news source. "They get people excited and in the mood to shop, and that's exactly what our economy needs right now."
Virginia recently got some other good news for small business when it was named the most pro-business state in America in the Pollina Corporate 2010 rankings.
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