Small Business Marketing News
SES Chicago 2009 To Host A 'Small Business Track'
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 11/30/2009
SES Chicago 2009 will offer online marketing tips for SMB owners.
With recent predictions for low holiday sales in the news, for small business owners it may be wise to head to Chicago this Christmas for some tips on how to keep sales high. This December, the SES Chicago 2009 will feature a "Small Business Track" with expert advice on how SMB owners can best use online marketing.

The track will cater to small businesses looking to increase their marketing through social media, search engine optimization, or search engine marketing campaigns. The sessions each describe techniques that can be a huge opportunity for marketers.
"Small Voices, Big Impact: Social Media for the Little Guy" will explain how social media can maximize marketing audiences for SMBs with a small budget. "Search on a Dime" will provide tips on maximizing exposure through search engine techniques without going over a budget. Finally, "Turning Simple Change Into Big Profit" will cover simple changes that can increase traffic for online campaigns.
The conference leaders are hopeful this track will be useful for SMB owners. "Small businesses are the heart and soul of the SES conferences, and the Small Business Track is one of the most important series of panels at SES Chicago," said Matt McGowan, vice president and publisher for Incisive Media's Interactive Marketing Group.
SMB owners might be wise to attend the conference for ideas on last-minute marketing campaigns for the holiday season; MerchantCircle reports that 68.3 percent of SMB owners currently predict holiday sales will decline or remain relatively the same this year.
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