Small Business Marketing News
New Group Purchasing Website Offers Deals To Small Business Owners
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 3/21/2011 offers daily deals a la Groupon but for small business owners.
The success of group purchasing site Groupon has spawned many imitators - local and national - hoping to help improve small business news and provide consumers with incredible discounts.

Now, one company has taken this model and tweaked it, turning its website into a daily deals for business-to-business issues, the Chicago Sun Times reports. The website will go live next week in Chicago, offering B2B deals, such as online payroll and janitorial services.
"A lot of the deals that Groupon offers to consumers have a business-to-business equivalent," said veteran marketing executive Gary Slack. "Just as there are people who buy into deals for a meal at a restaurant, there are business owners looking to rent a room to entertain staff and clients."
When the site launches, founders Gary Slack and Lou Friedman are planning to attract business owners through "provocative" deals. One discount rumored to be in the pipeline is a deal with Ford Motor Co. on its transit Connect light van, the source notes.
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