Small Business Marketing News
Most Small Business Facebook Fans Aren't Local, Study Shows
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 8/1/2011
Roost Local Scorecard indicates that small businesses are failing to connect with local customers using Facebook and other social media sites.
Although the small business social media marketing is ever-changing, recent technology news for entrepreneurs from Roost may be frustrating.

The Roost Local Scorecard analyzed 800 small business Facebook page and finds that on average, 15 percent of the local business get "liked" by local Facebook fans. Francine Hardaway writes on Business Insider's website that this might mean Facebook pages for small businesses do little to no good for targeted marketing efforts.
Hardaway said this shouldn't be surprising for many, as many small businesses want to get "liked" by any means necessary, whether the Facebook users are local or not. She said this doesn't work because businesses won't have the attention and ability to sell to the far away fans.
Roost CEO Alex Chang told WebProNews said that the findings are a "real eye-opener" for small business marketing. He said with small business' livelihood at stake, the scorecard should help small businesses figure out how to better focus on their local presence and provide recommendations on improving social media marketing.
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