Small Business Marketing News
More Options For Businesses Tired Of Playing 'foursquare'
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 8/23/2010
Other services allow customers to "check-in" on their location.
Small businesses all over the country have seen the benefits that an active presence in social media can have. Whether it be Facebook or LinkedIn, many entrepreneurs have found that the use of a new platform can be advantageous. One of the most notable sites to catch the wave is By seeing when customers "check in" to a location, businesses can better understand their habits. Yet, even as the site dominates the marketplace, there is another application that is hot on its heals.

One of the most popular sites to emerge from the over-saturated marketplace is The website, like foursquare, allows users to check in but differs in that it allows users to leave advice for others who are interested learning more.
According to a recent article in, the site first gained notice at the 2010 South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas. The site also allows users to create specific "trips."
"Creating Gowalla trips in your neighborhood or city is a great way to start using Gowalla and encourage interaction from local users," writes Jolie O'Dell of the social media site Mashable. " Many brands have also worked with Gowalla to create in-game virtual items."
The customer-tracking aspect of these sites is one of the hottest topics in news for small business. The options are out there for small business owners to use the inexpensive applications to increase profits.
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