Small Business Marketing News
Businesses Use Social Media To Enhance Customer Relationships, Build Brand
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 9/1/2009
A recent study found that enhancing relationships with customers and building brand reputation were the most popular uses of social media marketing, while Facebook emerged as the most popular platform.
Though it may not be surprising news, for small businesses social media marketing has become an almost essential tool in their marketing arsenal - the adoption rate could be as high as 70 percent, according to research from iPressroom, Korn/Ferry International and the Public Relations Society of America.

Though social media marketing can be used for many end goals, the majority of businesses have found that social media is most helpful with customer relationship management and brand building, according to a recent study from Russell Herder and Ethos Business Law.
The study found that enhancing relationships with customers and clients and building brand reputation were the most popular goals of social media marketing, receiving 81 percent of responses each.
Other popular uses included networking at 70 percent, recruitment at 69 percent and customer service at 64 percent.
Out of the vast number of social media platforms available, Facebook emerged as the most popular among businesses, at 80 percent adoption. Other popular choices included Twitter at 66 percent and YouTube at 55 percent.
With Facebook recently announcing that it has reached the 250 million user mark, the impact potential of social media marketing continues to grow each day.
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