Small Business Finance News

Employee Input Can Help Stablize Staff, Increase Productivity

Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 3/16/2010

Letting employees help create the environment at a business can make them feel more invested in its success.

One of the many detrimental effects of the recession has been a lack of investment in employee recognition, leading to bonds between businesses and workers breaking. Small business news increasingly shows that losing employees is a cause of instability for the economy. Responding to this issue, Performance Partners consultant Sterling Price recently wrote about how to seek employee input to guide the creation of business policies.

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Conducting surveys and calling focus-group style meetings may seem like tactics reserved for understanding consumers, but Price claims that they can be a way to make sure employees are motivated and unhindered in accomplishing their work. If they feel like partial "owners" of a company - not financially, but intellectually - employees will be that much more loyal.

"Ideally, you will get some of the employees involved in determining how the changes should be made," Price suggested. "It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that you create ownership by having your employees participate in determining what the changes will be and how they will be implemented. If your employees own their jobs, they will take much better care of them than if they are renters."

The consideration may be a more essential one than some employers realize. According to a Taleo study, about one-third of employed Americans are actively looking for new positions.

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