Franchising News
Reid Reassures Reno Small Business Owners
Written by Jenna Weiner
Published: 7/6/2010
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid pays visit to Reno small businesses, touts recent legislation.
The U.S. Senate majority leader recently toured local small businesses in Reno, Nevada, in order to spread small business finance news relating to recently passed legislation in Congress.

The Reno Gazette-Journal reports that Senator Harry Reid visited many small business owners in the community, explaining how the new laws would impact their day to day operations. In explaining his plans, Reid said that under the recently passed provisions, small business owners would get tax relief and access to cheaper healthcare coverage for employees. Reid said he was optimistic about Reno's small business future, especially given the dire straits of some other places in the state.
"You walk four blocks on Wells Avenue, and virtually every business is open," Reid said in an interview with the news source. "That's not the case in other places in Nevada. It feels good to see businesses open, but we know things are not good."
Reid is facing a re-election challenge from Republican Sharron Angle, who is giving him a run for his money. According to the most recent Rasmussen poll, Angle has a seven point lead over Reid, 48 to 41 respectively.
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