Franchising News
McDonald's Hopes Breakfast Eaters Will Boost Sales
Written by Tim Morral
Published: 9/1/2015
Starting in October, McDonald's is launching all-day breakfast nationwide, with hopes that the move reverses its declining sales.
After seven straight quarters of declining sales, McDonald's is looking for something to turn their fortunes around.

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Could breakfast be the answer?
Breakfast tends to have higher profit margins, and plenty of folks like me are happy to have breakfast at any time. It makes sense that this could be a smart move for McDonald's.
McDonald's Franchisees Say Yes
After piloting all-day breakfast in 94 restaurants in San Diego, the numbers seemed encouraging and franchisees recently voted to approve the change nationwide.
"Our customers love it. They've been asking for it for years," said LeAnn Richards, a franchisee who spearheaded McDonald's All-Day Breakfast Taskforce.
Franchisees will need to invest in new equipment, according to a report by Crain's Chicago.
Crain's notes that McDonald's has rolled out many products in recent months, including a new grilled chicken sandwich, Chicken Selects, lobster rolls, one-third-pound sirloin burgers and pulled-pork sandwiches.
While innovation is critically important to McDonald's, that many menu changes can be tiring for even the most talented restaurant managers, and those who are thinking about buying a McDonald's franchise should perhaps be a little wary. "We've got so many products in our stock room, you'd think we were Wal-Mart," said one franchisee who declined to be named to the Crain's reporter.
I Try to Eat Healthy But...
I try to eat healthy but every so often I do crave an Egg McMuffin. Usually, McDonald's is no longer serving breakfast when I want one.
So my take on this change is I'm loving it. My waistline's take? Not too happy, and a little bit worried.
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