How to Reach Your Target Market

Marketing an Exempt Commodity Trucking Business

At Gaebler, we've seen what great marketing can do for a small business. But if you own an exempt commodity trucking business, exceptional marketing may well be the determining factor in your long-term survival and success.

Multiple marketing factors affect bottom line profitability. However, great marketing strategies share a common characteristic.

These days, most businesses are counting on the fact that their marketing plans will push them ahead of their competitors and deliver the best possible market share. With marketing pressure at an all-time high, your business needs to incorporate tactics designed to position a exempt commodity trucking business at the top of the heap.


Interested in promoting your business in the public square? Then consider sponsorships, a time-tested tactic for marketing exempt commodity trucking businesses. The goal is to increase sales by generating visibility and goodwill about your company and/or your market offerings. But if you aren't deliberate, you can invest big bucks in sponsorships and receive little return for your investment. It's critical to accurately match your event and team sponsorships to likely exempt commodity trucking business customers. To minimize costs and multiply outcomes, consider teaming up with a complementary business to co-sponsor targeted events.

Staffing Expertise

Assigning responsibility for the execution of a marketing strategy can be more difficult than creating it. For many business owners, in-house staffing is attractive because it can (theoretically) be performed by current employees and can give the owner more control over the process. There are numerous reasons why exempt commodity trucking businesses enlist the assistance of external marketing professionals. In addition to delivering a better overall outcome, marketing firms bring an objective perspective to your strategy and key messaging.

Cost Tracking

Are you struggling to contain costs? That's familiar theme among entrepreneurs who lead an exempt commodity trucking business. For direct mailing campaigns and other strategic initiatives, it's hard to argue with the ROI you receive from updated mailing lists provided by the industry's leading list vendors. Good mailing lists are money in the bank; they deliver leads, revenue and most importantly, new customers.

Another way to control costs is to conduct periodic across-the-board cost audits designed to highlight areas that are ripe for reductions.

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