We Need Better Marketing
Marketing an Assisted Living Facility
You have to be light on your feet to stay ahead of the curve these days, especially when you're promoting an assisted living facility. We have the information you need to create a nimble, yet effective marketing strategy for your business.
Marketing is a tricky business discipline, especially for inexperienced entrepreneurs who possess more enthusiasm than expertise.

In some businesses, marketing takes a back seat to sales and operations. That's a mistake because without marketing, your brand messages aren't being heard. The good news is that good marketing is achievable by any assisted living facility with a strong value proposition and a desire to achieve a visible market presence.
Directories are a common tool for finding an assisted living facility. Yellow pages, industry listings, online databases, and other directory options are routinely used as vehicles for promoting assisted living facilities in a region or territory. Premium directories may or may not deliver the ROI you expect to receive from paid marketing vehicles. Regardless of whether it is a premium or free listing opportunity, every directory needs to be evaluated on its own merits. Some directories may also let you list more than your name and contact information, so be sure to ask whether your listing can include a logo and other information about your business.
When It's Time to Rebrand
Rebranding can be the cornerstone of a successful marketing strategy. But unfortunately, many business owners choose to rebrand simply because they aren't sure what else to do. That's not how rebranding works. Instead, rebranding should be performed for the right reasons. For an assisted living facility, owners are often inspired to rebrand after analysis has demonstrated that the current brand is losing its impact in the marketplace. Unless you are confident that you possess the skills necessary to rebrand your business, we advise consulting with a professional marketing firm before you introduce a new brand to your customers.
Media Monitoring
Some marketing initiatives lend themselves to simple measurement while others are more challenging. Direct mail can be evaluated by tallying the cost of inputs (e.g. a premium mailing list, printing, postage, etc.) and measuring the number of customer responses you receive from the campaign. The difficulty comes when you are tasked with quantifying market presence and brand influence. To gauge brand reputation and presence, many assisted living facilities turn to media monitoring. Although media monitoring is not the only tool for measuring intangible brand qualities, it has the benefit of highlighting negative PR, giving your assisted living facility the ability to control bad buzz when it appears in the marketplace.
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