We Need Better Marketing
Marketing an Architecture Firm
There is little room for error in marketing an architecture firm in today's economy. Fortunately, we have the information you need to stay ahead of the curve and outperform the rest of the field.
Marketing an architecture firm can be challenging, especially for business owners who lack a marketing background.
By applying a few common sense tips and marketing fundamentals, you can avoid the pitfalls and set your company on the path to marketing success.
Industry Resources
Lone rangers don't survive long in an architecture firm. Most leaders are oblivious to the fact that the marketplace shows no favoritism - for every marketing challenge your business faces, there are hundreds of other businesses and leaders struggling to solve the same problem. The best resources are usually the ones that leverage industry-specific experience and the input of proven veterans.
Market Segmentation
In today's environment, it's impossible to market an architecture firm to every possible buyer. Market segmentation has been around for decades and it has enabled many smaller companies to dominate parts of the market, even when they face competition from larger firms.
Filtered mailing lists facilitate market segmentation by focusing your resources on customers within your segment. The best list providers are equipped to accommodate various segments for contained within your architecture firm promotional efforts.
Company Website
If you haven't done so already, the first step in marketing your architecture firm is to create a high-quality business website. A shoddy, thrown-together website is a net loss for your organization. To compete online, your website has to contain features and design elements that encourage visitors to drill deeper and incorporate the site into their online routines. When combined with social media marketing, a first-rate website makes it easy for customers to share detailed information about your products with their online communities.
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Additional Resources for Entrepreneurs