We Need Better Marketing
Marketing an Aluminum Business
You're heavily invested in the success of your aluminum business and failure isn't an option. That means you'll also need to invest yourself in the strategies and techniques it takes to effectively market your brand in the marketplace.
A high-quality marketing plan connects your company to your customers. Without it, you'll quickly find your aluminum business cut off from the marketplace.

But by creating a strong marketing strategy, you undergird your connection to your base. With that in mind, it's important to leverage marketing as a path toward better customer engagement in your aluminum business's planning process.
Public Relations Strategies
Public relations is more subtle, but no less powerful than a full-blown marketing push. For example, if you buy a premium mailing list and use it to conduct a direct mail campaign, that's marketing. On the other hand, if the Sunday paper runs a story about your aluminum business, that's PR. The art of storytelling is a core PR competency. Storylines need to be believable and objective while communicating your brand's strengths and value proposition.
Loss Leaders
The majority of aluminum businesses understand that more customers will walk through the door if a few products are priced at less than full retail value. Although you may lose money on one product, you can make up for it buy selling a higher volume of other products. The key is to know your profit margins and use loss leader pricing to undercut the competition in targeted product categories. For the majority of aluminum businesses, loss leaders substantially increase customer traffic and create opportunities to expose new consumers to the brand. With adequate preparation, a loss leader promotion can be publicized through all of your company's marketing channels, including the company website.
Industry Resources
Lone rangers don't survive long in an aluminum business. An awareness of industry resources can mitigate the isolation of ownership and result in a more stable (and more productive) leadership experience. The best resources are usually the ones that leverage industry-specific experience and the input of proven veterans.
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