Marketing Plans for Niche Markets
Marketing a Waterproofing Contractors Business
There is little room for error in marketing a waterproofing contractors business in today's economy. Fortunately, we have the information you need to stay ahead of the curve and outperform the rest of the field.
We see marketing as the great equalizer, a business discipline capable of dramatically increasing a small company's footprint in the marketplace.
Customer loyalty isn't what it used to be. Cash is king in today's marketplace, so your marketing plan needs to focus on value messages.
Marketing Ethics
Ethically challenged marketers are a dime a dozen in today's economy. Industry-leading waterproofing contractors businesses avoid marketing tactics that exploit their customers. Ethics are especially important in direct marketing. By relying on trusted list provider, you can ensure that your lists are accurate and are consistent with standard industry protocols.
Industry Resources
Lone rangers don't survive long in a waterproofing contractors business. Most leaders are oblivious to the fact that the marketplace shows no favoritism - for every marketing challenge your business faces, there are hundreds of other businesses and leaders struggling to solve the same problem. The best resources are usually the ones that leverage industry-specific experience and the input of proven veterans.
You've seen the contest concept in action, even if it wasn't used in a waterproofing contractors business. Although a contest won't automatically translate into higher revenue, it can be a strategic component of a comprehensive marketing plan. But contests aren't all fun and games. Poorly run contests can open your business up to claims of impropriety and even legal action. As a result waterproofing contractors businesses outsource their contests to professional marketers as a way of minimizing risk and achieving the highest possible return from their promotional dollars.
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