Ideas for Marketing a Niche Business
Marketing a Ventilating and Exhaust Fan Business
At Gaebler, we've seen what great marketing can do for a small business. But if you own a ventilating and exhaust fan business, exceptional marketing may well be the determining factor in your long-term survival and success.
Young business owners are often surprised to learn that marketing isn't as intuitive as they thought it would be.
In general, good business owners make good marketers. But as an innovative business leader, you need to follow the strategies that other ventilating and exhaust fan businesses have incorporated into their marketing plans.
You've seen the contest concept in action, even if it wasn't used in a ventilating and exhaust fan business. Although a contest won't automatically translate into higher revenue, it can be a strategic component of a comprehensive marketing plan. Even good contests carry risks, namely the possibility that your business will be dogged by allegations of unfair prize awards. That's why ventilating and exhaust fan businesses don't take contests lightly, but treat them with the same level of respect as any other marketing campaign.
Product Knowledge
Product knowledge is a fundamental requirement for marketing a ventilating and exhaust fan business. Small product details translate into key value propositions which are critical for distinguishing a ventilating and exhaust fan business in the marketplace. If you can't articulate your products' unique characteristics, your messaging - and revenue stream - will suffer.
Measurement & Evaluation
With a little more attention to details, ventilating and exhaust fan businesses may be able to increase the impact of their marketing tactics. However, there are no substitutes for measurement and evaluation mechanisms. A robust measurement and evaluation process should include metrics that can be monitored on a monthly, weekly or even daily basis. Designed to monitor marketing efforts on a campaign-by-campaign basis, these metrics can be used as a baseline for strategic planning. Technology plays a role in marketing measurements, so ventilating and exhaust fan businesses frequently go outside of the organization for expertise.
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