Marketing Advice By Business Type
Marketing a Soda Fountain Equipment Repair Business
The task of promoting a soda fountain equipment repair business has to receive the highest priority in your organization. But what marketing techniques and strategies are successful in the current economy?
Still looking for a way to effectively market your soda fountain equipment repair business? It's hard to get your messages heard through the industry's noise.
Top performers habitually integrate sound marketing concepts with market demands.
Loss Leaders
The majority of soda fountain equipment repair businesses are willing to sustain a slight loss or breakeven position on certain products and service offerings as a way to attract customers. Although you may lose money on one product, you can make up for it buy selling a higher volume of other products. The key is to know your profit margins and use loss leader pricing to undercut the competition in targeted product categories. For the majority of soda fountain equipment repair businesses, the real benefits of loss leaders emerge through the careful marketing of other products, usually offered at a much higher margin. Whenever possible, piggyback a loss leader approach with the purchase of bulk merchandise that can be bought at a discount.
The overall effectiveness of marketing and promotions boils down to the return you receive for your investment. You can't afford to waste money on ineffective tactics for your soda fountain equipment repair business.
Professional mailing lists improve ROI even further. Vendors can filter your lists to likely buyers, reducing mailing costs and increasing the impact of your direct mail campaigns.
When It's Time to Rebrand
There are many reasons why it might be time to begin a rebranding initiative - but a lack of alternative tactics is not one of them. That's not how rebranding works. Instead, rebranding should be performed for the right reasons. In a soda fountain equipment repair business, brands are tied to specific stages in the life of a business. If your company is expanding, you will inevitably outgrow your brand and it will be time to prepare for a comprehensive rebranding effort. Unless you are confident that you possess the skills necessary to rebrand your business, we advise consulting with a professional marketing firm before you introduce a new brand to your customers.
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