Industry Specific Marketing Advice
Marketing a Gas Company
The task of promoting a gas company has to receive the highest priority in your organization. But what marketing techniques and strategies are successful in the current economy?
Looking for the right marketing mix for your gas company? You're not alone. More than ever before, the industry is populated with ambitious entrepreneurs eager to make an impression on would-be buyers.
As a business owner, you probably already have a firm grasp of basic marketing concepts. But as an innovative business leader, you need to follow the strategies that other gas companies utilize in the marketplace.
Despite the unrelenting demands of generating content on a monthly or quarterly basis, a company newsletter has promising potential as a marketing device. We've seen a lot of company newsletters over the years, and the best ones use a thought leadership strategy to advance key value propositions and raise the company's profile as a dominant presence in the industry. It's not unusual for gas companies to distribute periodic (monthly or quarterly) newsletters through a variety of online and offline channels. As an added bonus, newsletter subscription lists can double as mailing lists for direct mail or email campaigns.
Product Knowledge
Product knowledge is a fundamental requirement for marketing a gas company. Small product details translate into key value propositions which are critical for distinguishing a gas company from the rest of the field. If you can't articulate your products' unique characteristics, your messaging - and revenue stream - will suffer.
Building A Community Around Your Brand
There is a reason why so many businesses are incorporating social media into their marketing and PR strategies. Social media attracts followers and creates brand advocates. Many gas companies need to do a better job connecting with their customers. To establish a solid community base, you may want to begin with a direct mail campaign using mailing lists obtained through top-end list providers. Using these lists, you can perform a direct mail initiative to invite prospects to participate in online brand community mechanisms.
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