Niche Marketing Plans
Marketing a Corrosion Control Business
Looking for innovative ways to market a corrosion control business? Although you there are no magic bullets that will enable you to dominate the industry, there are several things you can do to improve visibility and market presence.
A single characteristic divides today's best corrosion control businesses from companies at the bottom of the food chain.
It's not hard to convince most business owners that marketing plays a vital role in strategic planning. But in a zero-sum economy, there are winners and losers -- and here are some of the things that will help keep your corrosion control business at the top of the heap.
Building A Community Around Your Brand
Social media is an up and coming marketing channel, primarily because it coalesces a community around brands. Whether they realize it or not corrosion control businesses need to do a better job connecting with their customers. Direct mail campaigns featuring mailing lists from a reliable list partner can jumpstart a social media drive by expanding your customer base and alerting them to your social media presence.
Strategic Partnerships
When multiple interests join together in a strategic partnership, they gain corrosion control businesses avenues for combining the power of their marketing dollars and messaging with suppliers of complementary products. Think about it: even on your best day, your company has the ability to influence a certain percentage of potential customers. But when you partner with a complementary supplier to perform a joint marketing campaign, you multiply your customer base and generate a more powerful market presence.
Social Media Monitoring
Brand advocacy is a buzzword in marketing circles. What does it mean? Using consumer-oriented platforms to encourage customers to create user-generated content about your products and company, typically through social media. Social media can quickly go negative, turning brand advocacy into "badvocacy", a scenario in which consumers and users create content deriding your company and your products. All corrosion control businesses are especially vulnerable to negative exposure through social media. To counter negative social media, you'll need to monitor your brand's online presence and enter the conversation, redirecting negative discussions toward more positive topics.
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