Niche Marketing Plans

Marketing a Cork and Cork Products Business

Promotional tactics for cork and cork products businesses are exceptionally diverse. But in our experience, there are a handful of tips and strategies that will deliver the best return for your marketing efforts.

Still looking for a way to effectively market your cork and cork products business? It's hard to get your messages heard through the industry's noise.

When done effectively, marketing is a coordinated and comprehensive strategy that raises the visibility of your cork and cork products business and drives the customer acquisition process.

Hiring A Marketing Firm

Sooner or later, most cork and cork products business operations turn to marketing firms for guidance. Professional marketers are usually on the bleeding edge of the industry and boast better returns for the investment than internal marketing units. Once you decide to hire a professional marketing firm for your cork and cork products business, it's important to find a firm with proven experience in the industry. Additionally, you'll want to make sure that the firm you hire is familiar with how technology is being used to forge connections with customers in your market niche.


Every marketing tactic you use has to deliver results. You can't afford to waste money on ineffective tactics for your cork and cork products business.

Professional mailing lists improve ROI even further. Vendors can filter your lists to likely buyers, reducing mailing costs and increasing the impact of your direct mail campaigns.

Social Media Monitoring

Social media has become a prominent fixture in marketing. For small businesses, an aggressive social media campaign can level the playing field by generating online buzz that competes with corporate marketing initiatives. Even though the potential for social media to generate positive conversations about your product is good, the potential for it to create negative, online word-of-mouth is a concern that must be taken seriously. All cork and cork products businesses are especially vulnerable to negative exposure through social media. To counter negative social media, you'll need to monitor your brand's online presence and enter the conversation, redirecting negative discussions toward more positive topics.

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