Niche Marketing Plans
Marketing a Coppersmiths Business
Trying to market a coppersmiths business? It's a crowded marketplace, but with dedication and persistence, great marketing can help your business outperform larger competitors.
We recognize that the best coppersmiths business owners tend to possess solid marketing skills. However, capable marketing is elusive for many leaders in this industry.
In some businesses, marketing takes a back seat to sales and operations. That's a mistake because without marketing, your brand messages aren't being heard. On the upside, great marketing is a real possibility for a coppersmiths business willing to adapt its strategy to the demands of the marketplace.
Promotional Calendars
The best laid marketing agendas can quickly get fouled up, especially in fast-paced coppersmiths businesses. Instead of offering special promotions on the spur of the moment, we recommend creating a promotional calendar for the fiscal year. Although you can adjust the calendar as needed, advanced planning makes it easier to connect your company's marketing tactics to sales objectives, inventory levels, staffing, and other areas of the business. When used in tandem with a quality mailing list provider, promotional calendars can ensure the continuous execution of direct mail campaigns.
Competitive Awareness
Competitive awareness is the starting point for creativity in marketing. We appreciate innovative tactics. But when innovation causes you to abandon message streams that are trafficked by similar coppersmiths businesses, you may not have all of the information you need to make an informed marketing decision. At a minimum, we recommend seeking a third-party perspective before you adopt any innovations that dramatically alter your marketing model.
Loss Leaders
The majority of coppersmiths businesses frequently sell specific products at ridiculously low margins to boost traffic and new customer acquisition. Although you may lose money on one product, you can make up for it buy selling a higher volume of other products. But to be effective, loss leader marketing requires planning, especially in product selection and price points. When used in coppersmiths businesses, this approach is most advantageous when it is coupled with a promotion for complementary products or services that are offered at full pricing. Whenever possible, piggyback a loss leader approach with the purchase of bulk merchandise that can be bought at a discount.
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