Niche Marketing Plans
Marketing a College Board Preparation Program
Trying to market a college board preparation program? It's a crowded marketplace, but with dedication and persistence, great marketing can help your business outperform larger competitors.
Need to improve the effectiveness of your marketing channels for your college board preparation program? That's becoming a common theme these days, especially in this market sector.
In general, good business owners make good marketers. However, the most visible brands are always on the lookout for the strategies that other college board preparation programs utilize in the marketplace.
Public Relations Strategies
If marketing is a stock car racing full throttle toward a consumer audience, PR is a vintage Cadillac teasing consumers and inviting them to take a closer look. If you want to send unrestricted marketing messages to your audience, buy a mailing list and perform a direct mail campaign. But if your strategy calls for sophistication, media buy-in and thought leadership, hire a PR consultant. The art of storytelling is a core PR competency. Storylines need to be believable and objective while communicating your brand's strengths and value proposition.
Leveraging Print Ads
You're probably familiar with many of the ways print advertising has been used to market college board preparation programs. From glossy spreads to simple classified ads, business owners have traditionally used print advertising to reach a broad base of customers. But although businesses have more promotional options than ever before, there are many attractive venues for featuring your college board preparation program in printed media. In fact, since so many companies are reallocating resources toward online advertising, you can get good deals on print ad placements in regional publications and markets.
Industry Resources
Lone rangers don't survive long in a college board preparation program. An awareness of industry resources can mitigate the isolation of ownership and result in a more stable (and more productive) leadership experience. Even though trade journals have value, we've found that the best insights are often gained through face-to-face contact with industry insiders.
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