Niche Marketing Plans
Marketing a Clergy Business
Marketing a clergy business isn't as simple as it seems. To get noticed, you'll need to invest time, energy, and resources in an innovative marketing plan.
A single characteristic divides today's best clergy businesses from companies at the bottom of the food chain.
Staying on track requires attention to detail and a commitment to foundational marketing principles.
Strategic Partnerships
When multiple interests join together in a strategic partnership, they gain clergy businesses economies of scale, not to mention a larger promotional footprint. Under the right circumstances, a strategic marketing partnership can allow two or more small companies to overwhelm the market, effectively negating the presence of a larger competitor.
Media Monitoring
Some marketing initiatives lend themselves to simple measurement while others are more challenging. Direct mail can be evaluated by tallying the cost of inputs (e.g. a premium mailing list, printing, postage, etc.) and measuring the number of customer responses you receive from the campaign. The difficulty comes when you are tasked with quantifying market presence and brand influence. Fortunately, media monitoring has the ability to give your clergy business a sense of market presence and other variables that are difficult to quantify. Although media monitoring is not the only tool for measuring intangible brand qualities, it has the benefit of highlighting negative PR, giving your clergy business the ability to control bad buzz when it appears in the marketplace.
Event and team sponsorships are a proven method for raising the public profile of clergy businesses. Successful sponsorships create connections with customers; ineffective ones alienate customers and drain your marketing budget. A strategic sponsorship targets actual clergy business patrons. To minimize costs and multiply outcomes, consider teaming up with a complementary business to co-sponsor targeted events.
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