Niche Marketing Plans
Marketing a Church Furnishings Business
At Gaebler, we've seen what great marketing can do for a small business. But if you own a church furnishings business, exceptional marketing may well be the determining factor in your long-term survival and success.
Young business owners are often surprised to learn that marketing isn't as intuitive as they thought it would be.
It's not hard to convince most business owners that marketing plays a vital role in strategic planning. But in a zero-sum economy, there are winners and losers -- and here are some of the things that will help keep your church furnishings business at the top of the heap.
When It's Time to Rebrand
Looking for a way to re-catalyze your marketing program? If you need a quick fix, rebranding might not be the right tool for the job. Rebranding is an intentional marketing technique designed to deliver long term results. In a church furnishings business, owners are often inspired to rebrand after analysis has demonstrated that the current brand is losing its impact in the marketplace. Unless you are confident that you possess the skills necessary to rebrand your business, we advise consulting with a professional marketing firm before you introduce a new brand to your customers.
Building A Community Around Your Brand
Does your business have a social media presence? If not, you may be falling behind the rest of the marketplace. Whether they realize it or not church furnishings businesses are struggling to find ways to communicate directly with customers - and for businesses, that's the whole point of maintaining an active presence in social media. Direct mail campaigns featuring mailing lists from a reliable list partner can jumpstart a social media drive by expanding your customer base and alerting them to your social media presence.
Think you know all there is to know about coupling? Maybe not, at least when it comes to using coupons for church furnishings business marketing. Traditionally, coupons have been limited to print ad distributions. These days, coupon programs have expanded to include electronic coupons distributed through social media and redeemed via a mobile device. In a typical coupon scenario, church furnishings business operations leverage couponing to entice first-time customers to make initial contact with the brand. Coupled with other marketing techniques, a steady stream of legitimate coupon promotions can incentivize periodic customers to increase the frequency of purchases from your company.
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