Niche Marketing Plans

Marketing a Chamber of Commerce Business

The task of promoting a chamber of commerce business has to receive the highest priority in your organization. But what marketing techniques and strategies are successful in the current economy?

Young business owners are often surprised to learn that marketing isn't as intuitive as they thought it would be.

A lack of marketing experience can sometimes be overcome through persistence and innovation, two key features of chamber of commerce business marketing success.

Why Branding Matters

Think of branding as a consumer shortcut. Since the average consumer doesn't have time to thoroughly evaluate every product that crosses their path, they make buying decisions based on the brands they trust. It's a fact: A chamber of commerce business possesses brand value. Some brands struggle to achieve recognition with consumers while others seem to be quickly embraced by the marketplace. Companies that incorporate brand positioning into their normal marketing routines gradually accumulate higher brand values and are rewarded by consumers.

Cost Tracking

The economy is a constant concern for people who own a chamber of commerce business. For direct mailing campaigns and other strategic initiatives, it's hard to argue with the ROI you receive from updated mailing lists provided by the industry's leading list vendors. Good mailing lists are money in the bank; they deliver leads, revenue and most importantly, new customers.

But mailing lists aren't the only way you can reduce costs. Most accounting software solutions have features that allow you to track costs in multiple expense categories and receive alerts when expenses suddenly swing outside of normal parameters.

Price Matching

Price matching is a protection for buyers who are concerned that they could find a better deal elsewhere. For businesses, price matching eliminates buying risk, convincing cautious consumers to buy now. The principle is simple: Since pricing is a primary factor in product selection, your business agrees to match advertised competitor pricing. Without price matching, if they can locate lower pricing from a competing chamber of commerce business, buyers will jump on it. So whether you like it or not, pricing is a necessary element of your overall marketing strategy. If your business isn't prepared to match standard price points, you'll need to adjust your business model and pricing structure to accommodate the rates that are being charged by other chamber of commerce businesses in your area.

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