Forming a Legal Entity
Incorporating in New York
Incorporation is a great idea, but dealing with Albany sounds like a nightmare. Don't worry -- our New York incorporation resource directory has the information you need to incorporate a business anywhere in the Empire State.
Incorporating in New York is just a matter of completing a few forms. We've provided the contact information and links you'll need to incorporate.
Contact Information
Department of State Division of Corporations
41 State Street
Albany, NY 12231
(518) 473-2281
Incorporate in New York
Useful New York Incorporation Links
- Division of Corporations - Access the Division of Corporations, State Records and UCC.
- New York Corporation/Business Entity Database - Do an online search of all New York corporations and business entities.
- Frequently Asked Questions about Incorporating in New York - Answers to frequently asked questions about how to incorporate in the State of New York.
- Filing Information, Forms, and Fees - Information for all business types, foreign and domestic, regarding forms need to file in the State of New York.
- Rules and Regulations of the Division of Corporations - Legal explanations of rules and regulations regarding corporations in the State of New York.
- Legal Memoranda - The legal memoranda for Doing Business in New York and Formation of Business Entities in the State of New York.
- State Records - If you are looking for information regarding trade marks, service marks and apostille or Certificate of Authentification, use the State Records tab on the left nav of the Division of Corporations page.
- e-File Your Uniform Commercial Code Financing Statements and Amendments - This service will allow the electronic filing of Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Financing Statement and Amendments for the State of New York.
- UCC Forms and Fee Schedule - List of all New York UCC filing fees.
- Filing Guide (Under Rev. Art. 9) - General guidelines regarding filings under Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code.
- UCC Frequently Asked Questions - Answers to frequently asked questions regarding the Uniform Commercial Code in the State of New York.
- UCC Search - Online search of entire UCC database in the State of New York.
- UCC Rules - Uniform Commercial Code regulations for the Sate of New York.
- Help for Small Businesses - The Department of Licensing Service's links to helpful web sites for small businesses.
- SME Toolkit - Great general information about how to start a business in New York.
Last updated on April 21, 2011.
If we are missing a good incorporation resource, please let us know.
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