Entrepreneur Idea Guide
How to Start a Handbag Retailer
What does it take to start a handbags retailer? Here is a summary of all the basic steps you ought to consider when opening a handbags retailer.
Wondering how to start a handbags retailer? We take you step-by-step from start to success.

Finding Your Niche in Handbag Retailing
Would-be handbag retailers face a difficult, sometimes brutal, business climate. At various points, you will not only have to contend with market slowdowns based on economic conditions, but also the cutthroat and whimsical nature of the fashion industry.
As a small retailer, it's impossible to stay on top of the entire handbag marketplace. In general, SMB entrepreneurs have more success by identifying -- and dominating -- a market niche. Whether it's handbags for the average woman or high-end designer bags or eco-friendly bags or something else entirely, it's critical to narrow down your company's target market as early as possible.
Specialization is often a factor of location and market as well as personal preferences. Don't automatically assume that the market niche you find most attractive will automatically be the most profitable one. In many cases, the marketplace may dictate that a different sector of the retail handbag market holds more promise as a target market.
Market Tips for New Handbag Retailers
Handbag retailers are susceptible to rapid changes in market trends, especially if your business model is built around designer handbags. With that in mind, here are a few tips to help get your startup off to a solid start.
- Identify Rising Stars. Everyone knows who today's premiere handbag designers are. Names like Yves Saint Laurent, Prada and Louis Vuitton have a dominate presence in designer handbags. To stay ahead of the curve, you can position your startup to provide handbags from rising stars in the fashion world, giving your customers tomorrow's fashions today.
- Stay on Top of Seasonal Lines. Smart handbag retailers stay well ahead of seasonal handbag lines. If you wait until summer to start thinking about your fall handbag inventory, you're already behind the marketplace. Give yourself and your business plenty of time to explore and plan seasonal merchandise.
- Manufacture Your Own Products. It's not uncommon for handbag retail startup entrepreneurs to also be fledgling designers. Although you probably won't be able to stock your store exclusively with your own creations, don't be shy about sprinkling your own products into the mix and advertising your own label through your store.
Best Practices: Business Plans for Handbag Retailers
Struggling to get the attention of lenders and investors? Maybe it's because you're lacking a high quality business plan.
The financial section of your business plan is especially relevant to funding concerns. Not surprisingly, lenders immediately turn to the financial section and use the accuracy of your forecasts to gauge the value of other parts of the plan.
Subsequently, a thorough understanding of business plan financial basics is a prerequisite to effective business plan writing for handbags retailers.
Consider Competitors
Prior to launching a handbags retailer within your community, it's worthwhile to see how strong the competition is. Use the link below to get a list of local competitors near you. Complete the form by entering your city, state and zip code to get a list of handbags retailers that are close by.
Is the established competition doing a good job? It's important to understand their strengths and weaknesses and think through how you'll stake up against those established businesses.
Learn from Others Who Are Already In This Space
As part of your due diligence on opening a handbags retailer, you really ought to learn as much as you can from somebody who is already in the business. Local competitors are not going to give you the time of day, mind you. The last thing they want to do is help you to be a better competitor.
However, a fellow entrepreneur who has started a handbags retailer outside of your community will be much more likely to talk with you, given that you don't compete with them in their area. In that case, the business owner may be more than happy to discuss the industry with you. It can take a while to find an entrepreneur who is willing to talk, but it's well worth the effort.
Where would you find a handbags retailer founder in a different locale who can assist you?
Simple. Let your fingers do the walking by using the link below.
Handbag Retailer Acquisitions: Financial Considerations
You've invested a lot of time and effort in planning your startup. But here's something you probably don't know: Startup handbags retailers consistently fail to achieve the financial performance of acquired handbags retailers.
Financial risk management requires you to at least consider the possibility of setting your startup plans aside to explore acquisition opportunities. Many entrepreneurs buy an existing business for the sole purpose of tapping into the financial benefits of an established customer base.
But most importantly, existing handbags retailers have documented financial histories. Although you can create pro forma earnings and financial statements for a startup, a business-for-sale should have a well-documented, multi-year history of financial performance.
Consider Buying a Franchise
The probabilities on your becoming a successful entrepreneur are much better if you opt for franchising and leverage their successful brand and track record.
Before starting a handbags retailer, you ought to investigate whether franchise opportunities in your space might make sense for you.
The link below gives you access to our franchise directory so you can see if there's a franchise opportunity for you. You might even find something that points you in a completely different direction.
Entrepreneur Interviews
These interviews should be of interest to you.
- Interview with Tina Wick, Owner and Designer of Greenpurse
- Interview with Deena Ravella, Co-Founder of Kyss Bags
- Interview with Jean Newell, Owner of Newco Enterprises, LLC
- Interview with Rachel Sanches, Founder of Joy Fabiano
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