Opening a Business
How to Start a Bakers' Equipment & Supplies Dealership
Launching a bakers' equipment and supplies dealership is a rewarding experience if you do it right. Here are nuts-and-bolts information that demystifies what it takes to be successful.
Our goal with this article is to clearly demonstrate how to set up and operate a bakers' equipment and supplies dealership.

Wholesale & Retail Bakery Essentials
Startup bakery equipment and supplies dealers have an opportunity to get onboard consumers' continuing loved affair with baked goods. But the shape of the bakery has changed significantly in recent decades, leaving many old school equipment and supply dealers out of pace with market trends.
Unlike the bakeries of previous eras, today's bakeries are for the most part, highly specialized operations that cater to specific segments of the market. One-size-fits-all bakery storefronts are out; bakery boutiques featuring cupcakes, specialty cakes, gluten-free/vegan items, special bagels and other products are in.
As a bakery equipment and supply dealer, you'll need to study the market and differentiate the demands of wholesale vs. retail bakeries. Your startup business plan will need to be very specific about the segment of the market you plan to serve and the methods you will employ to reach them.
Selling Tips for Bakery Equipment & Supply Dealers
Bakery equipment and supply dealers are firmly entrenched in the B2B selling environment. Although occasionally you may encounter an individual interested in purchasing baking equipment or supplies for home use, your business model will be geared toward selling supplies and equipment to other businesses.
B2B and B2C selling are two entirely different creatures. As a B2B seller, you can't afford to wait for customers to come to you -- you need to be proactive about taking your products and supplies to them. In most cases, that will mean hiring a sales team of bona fide professionals, preferably with industry experience.
Bakery Equipment Dealership Expansion Through Online Marketing
A quick survey of the baker's equipment and supply industry should be enough to convince you that industry leaders have wholeheartedly embraced online sales and marketing trends. Ecommerce isn't the future -- it's happening right now and your startup will need to quickly get onboard to compete.
Competitive ecommerce begins with a solid business website featuring a first-rate virtual catalog. Does that sound intimidating? Maybe if you had to do it yourself. But the good news is that there any number of turnkey solutions and professional online marketing firms available to make sure your bakery equipment and supply startup is equipped with the "ingredients" it needs to achieve ecommerce success.
How to Write a Top Quality Bakers' Equipment & Supplies Dealership Business Plan
A business plan is the skeletal framework for your bakers' equipment and supplies dealership's mission, goals and strategic vision.
Since lenders and investors will use your plan to gauge risk, it needs to contain industry-specific benchmarks and a detailed marketing plan.
Early in the process, it's worth your time to learn how to write the market analysis section of a business plan. While a robust market analysis can be a selling point for a bakers' equipment and supplies dealership startup, weak market research is a sure giveaway for a business that hasn't invested adequate effort in planning.
Check Out Competitors
Long before you open a bakers' equipment and supplies dealership in your town, it's worthwhile to find out what the competition looks like. We've provided the link below to help you get a list of local competitors nearby. Complete the form by entering your city, state and zip code to get a list of bakers' equipment and supplies dealerships that are close by.
How tough is the competition in the market you are considering? If the competition is too tough, you may need to think about starting the business in a different area or even start a completely different business instead.
Studying the Market
If you are interested in starting a bakers' equipment and supplies dealership, it's a smart move to speak with somebody who is already in the business. If you think owners of nearby bakers' equipment and supplies dealerships will give you advice, think again. It'd be crazy for them to teach you the business.
Thankfully, an owner of a a bakers' equipment and supplies dealership in a location that is not competitive to you may be willing to share their entrepreneurial wisdom with you, once they realize that you are not going to directly compete with them in their community. Many business owners are happy to give advice to new entrepreneurs. Our estimate is that you may have to contact many business owners to find one who is willing to share his wisdom with you.
How do you go about finding a bakers' equipment and supplies dealership owner in a different locale who can assist you?
It's not that hard. Just use the handy link below and enter in a random city/state or zipcode.
Getting Started in Bakers' Equipment & Supplies Dealership Ownership
Would-be bakers' equipment and supplies dealership business owners can either launch a new business or acquire an existing operation.
Startup bakers' equipment and supplies dealerships can be attractive because they allow the entrepreneur to have more control and greater influence. From a funding perspective, however, you may have a hard time finding lenders who are willing to take a chance on your bakers' equipment and supplies dealership concept.
Acquired bakers' equipment and supplies dealerships are known quantities - and are less risky for lenders. On the whole, buying a business minimizes uncertainty as well as many of the objections lenders use to disqualify startup entrepreneurs from financing.
Explore Franchising Options
Startup small business owners are under enormous pressure to achieve profitability quickly.
Franchised businesses present a viable alternative for startup entrepreneurs interested in minimizing investment risk. Although there are no guarantees, a proven franchise startup eliminates many of the obstacles startup owner face right out of the gate, significantly improving survival rates and profitability.
If fewer hassles and better visibility sound appealing, click on the below and check out our directory of bakers' equipment and supplies dealership startup opportunities in your area.
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