Email Marketing
How to Create an Effective Email Blast
Written by Jay Shapiro for Gaebler Ventures
What's the difference between SPAM and an authentic email blast? Are there legal guidelines? You bet! This information and more will help you create an effective email blast that won't end up in the recipients SPAM bin.
Email blasts are a productive and economical way to keep in contact with your clients.

You can use email blasts to let customers know about the latest deals your company is offering or just to impart current news. Contrary to a popular misconception an email blast is not the same as SPAM. SPAM basically uses the throw-mud-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks formula. An email blast is sent to your existing client bank.
Because you are sending your blast to people with whom you already have a connection or previous history it's more likely to be well received. Here's how to create an effective email blast.
Get on target
The best recipients for your email blast are your present customers. They've already done business with you so they trust you and your products or services.
Be recognizable
People are very SPAM wary these days so when you send an email blast make sure it is clear that it is from your company. By making your mail shots identifiable in this way, you will avoid them getting accidentally sent to the recipients SPAM bin. People like regularity, so it might help to always send your mail blasts at the same time each and every time.
Offer options
Always give your customers a choice when it comes to them visiting your website from the mail blast. Include direct links or give the option for the client to navigate their own way there by using the address bar in their browser.
Subject line
Always include your company name in the subject line of the email. A subject line that reads, A Spring Time Offer From the ABC Company will is more likely to be opened by the recipient than one that reads A Spring Time Offer.
Promise of privacy
Make sure your customers know that you won't share their details with another party.
Attention grabbing headline
Avoid gimmicks and don't bully your customer. Headlines like "You Have to Buy This Otherwise Your Life Will be Rubbish" rarely work. When writing your headline think about adverts that you yourself have related to and work along those lines.
Remember the importance of lead generation
While an email blast gives you the chance to resell to existing customers it also offers you the chance to generate more leads. Offer existing clients a bonus if they recommend a friend.
Easy reading
Less is very often more, and it certainly is when it comes to an email blast. It needs to be easy to read, easy on the eye when it comes to graphics and quick to digest. Keep it simple, and by all means use images but don't make the page too busy.
Outline the benefits of your product/service/company
Your text should highlight the benefits your company offers. Ask yourself why your customer would want your product and use that as the basis for your persuasive writing. The copy should be brief but discuss the benefits of your product. Be positive and ask the question, why does this person need my product or service?
Make sure you can deliver
Don't use promises of great deals or money off just as a way to get visitors to your site. Make sure you can deliver what you say you will or you will lose customers really quickly.
Ticking clock
If you specify a time limit on your offer you will encourage customers to take action. So make sure they know when your Spring time offer will close.
Keep it legal
By law marketing emails must include the sender's bricks and mortar address and opt out instructions. Misleading subject lines are not allowed.
Jay Shapiro is a freelance writer based in the UK. Jay has a particular interest in the emotive aspects of the entrepreneur's character. "Alongside the nuts and bolts of business, the character of the person is often the ingredient responsible for success."
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