Google Development Tools
Google AdSense API
Do you want to share advertising revenues with your site's users? If so, you can accomplish it with custom apps that your developer can create with Google AdSense APIs.
There's more than one way to turn a website into a revenue-producing machine.
Most business owners rely on their website to promote their products and services, and to establish an online presence for their brand. Retailers sometimes use their sites as an online catalog, generating revenue by giving their customers the ability to order online.
But if your website generates a high volume of traffic, there's another way you can use it produce revenue. It's called Google AdSense. AdSense lets Google place text, image or video ads on your site. The ads are administered directly by Google and you receive payment on a per-click or per-impression basis.
Google AdSense API takes the AdSense concept one step further by allowing your developer to create customized AdSense applications for your website. These apps usually offer some kind of value (like revenue sharing) to the people who visit your site and have intrinsic value for your business.
AdSense APIs are most effective for developers whose users create their own content through web publishing, blogging, forums or other applications that generate significant content and traffic. Eligibility is limited to websites that currently have more than 100,000 daily page views across user pages - expected growth is not taken into consideration for eligibility.
AdSense API Features
If you qualify, AdSense APIs has several useful features for small businesses. Some the things you can do with AdSense APIs include:
- Enable users to sign for AdSense directly on your website.
- Encourage users to generate revenue on their own site through auto-generated contextual ads and customized AdSense search boxes.
- Participate in revenue sharing programs with your users.
- Earn referral bonuses for users who adopt AdSense.
AdSense API Benefits
- Community engagement. Since AdSense APIs give users the ability to share in their revenue generating activities, they give you the ability to attract an online community around your website.
- Increased traffic. In addition to providing them with content, AdSense APIs give your users an additional motivation for visiting your site and sharing it with others in their online/offline communities.
- User experience. With Google AdSense APIs, your website becomes a more integrated user experience. Anything that improves users' experience with your site enhances your brand and bolsters its online presence.
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