Funded Tech Companies

Verisk Health

Verisk Health is an enterprise IT company, based in Waltham. Financial backing was provided by .

Company Overview

Company Name
Verisk Health
Company Status
Private & Independent
Funding Rounds
Total Funding

Contact Information

Mailing Address
201 Jones Rd. 4th Floor
Waltham, MA 02451
Email Address

Company Background Information

D2Hawkeye was founded in Boston in 2001 by Chris Kryder, M.D., a physician and entrepreneur with a vision of combining expertise in medical management with advanced database mining technology to improve medical care while lowering costs.
Verisk Health LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
Verisk Health Company Twitter Account
Company News
Verisk Health News
Verisk Health on Facebook
Verisk Health on YouTube
Last Transaction

Financing History

No transactions have been recorded for this company.

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Emad Rizk
  Emad Rizk LinkedIn Profile  Emad Rizk Twitter Account  Emad Rizk News  Emad Rizk on Facebook
VP - Client Services
Joe Morrissey
  Joe Morrissey LinkedIn Profile  Joe Morrissey Twitter Account  Joe Morrissey News  Joe Morrissey on Facebook
VP - Product Management
Jordan Bazinsky
  Jordan Bazinsky LinkedIn Profile  Jordan Bazinsky Twitter Account  Jordan Bazinsky News  Jordan Bazinsky on Facebook

Company Investors

No investors have been recorded for this company.




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