Funded Tech Companies

Checkmate Pharmaceuticals

Checkmate Pharmaceuticals is a biopharmaceutical company, located in Cambridge. Financial backing was provided by Novo Ventures, venBio and Omega Funds.

Company Overview

Company Name
Checkmate Pharmaceuticals
Company Status
Funding Rounds

Contact Information

Mailing Address
245 Main St. 2nd Floor
Cambridge, MA 02142
Email Address

Company Background Information

Checkmate Pharma is developing a new approach for cancer immunotherapy, by specifically activating the immune system to recognize and kill tumor cells throughout the body, without harming normal tissues.
Checkmate Pharmaceuticals LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
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Company News
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Last Transaction

Financing History

Venture Equity
Venture Equity
Venture Equity
Venture Equity
Venture Equity

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Barry Labinger
  Barry Labinger LinkedIn Profile  Barry Labinger Twitter Account  Barry Labinger News  Barry Labinger on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Jon Lieber
  Jon Lieber LinkedIn Profile  Jon Lieber Twitter Account  Jon Lieber News  Jon Lieber on Facebook
Chief Medical Officer
James Wooldridge
  James Wooldridge LinkedIn Profile  James Wooldridge Twitter Account  James Wooldridge News  James Wooldridge on Facebook
Chief Operating Officer
Karen Brennan
  Karen Brennan LinkedIn Profile  Karen Brennan Twitter Account  Karen Brennan News  Karen Brennan on Facebook
Chief Scientific Officer
Art Krieg
  Art Krieg LinkedIn Profile  Art Krieg Twitter Account  Art Krieg News  Art Krieg on Facebook
VP - Bus. Development
Kleem Chaudhary
  Kleem Chaudhary LinkedIn Profile  Kleem Chaudhary Twitter Account  Kleem Chaudhary News  Kleem Chaudhary on Facebook
VP - General Counsel
Chuck Yon
  Chuck Yon LinkedIn Profile  Chuck Yon Twitter Account  Chuck Yon News  Chuck Yon on Facebook
VP - Operations
Lisa White
  Lisa White LinkedIn Profile  Lisa White Twitter Account  Lisa White News  Lisa White on Facebook
VP - Regulatory Affairs
Chris French
  Chris French LinkedIn Profile  Chris French Twitter Account  Chris French News  Chris French on Facebook
VP - Regulatory Affairs
Steven Hamburger
  Steven Hamburger LinkedIn Profile  Steven Hamburger Twitter Account  Steven Hamburger News  Steven Hamburger on Facebook

Company Investors




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